Global Economic Governance

To achieve global climate goals and build a world economy that is more resilient to the impacts of climate change, the rules and institutions of global economic governance must align around a green transition. This workstream examines the changes needed in the global trade and investment regimes to deliver climate action, sustainable development, and economic justice within and across countries.

Global Economic Governance Abstract Illustration

Track Activities

1. Research Community

Consolidating the research community to collaborate on studying the reforms among key global economic institutions required to deliver on climate goals. 

    • The ACEGOV network convenes researchers and practitioners around priority areas of reform to align global economic institutions with climate goals. Seminars on specific global economic governance topics are held regularly.

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2. Trade and Investment

Advancing reforms in institutions responsible for key trade and investment levers that both hinder and unlock climate action.

    • Continuing scholarly and policy work supporting the engagement of ECAs on their net zero alignment (targets for individual ECAs and cooperative alliances).


    • Supporting the OECD on the Paris-alignment of its investment protection regime

    • Examining how major emerging economies can leverage climate clubs to advance alignment of trade and investment regimes with climate policy.

    • Supporting the formulation and implementation of the Bridgetown Agenda through reforms in global economic institutions and unlocking the potential of a broader array of trade institutions.


3. Standards and Regulation

Pushing the global standards and regulatory landscape towards incorporating climate-aligned metrics that accelerate climate action at scale.

    • Supported ISO throughout in the creation of the net zero London Declaration and the development of the ‘Net Zero Guidelines’. The guidelines were launched at UN climate change negotiations (COP27) and provide a common approach to achieving net zero across all ISO standards.

      Net Zero Guidelines

      London Declaration

4. Finance

Advancing the climate-aligned transformation of public finance institutions and the strengthened global governance of private finance climate commitments.

    • Drafting and seeding a commitment framework for public financial institutions to be Paris-aligned.

    • Producing and socialising an assessment report of the performance of GFANZ with additional recommendations for further reforms of the private sector financial system.